Thursday, June 21, 2007

Director Dean to Attend Q&A at LeHigh Screenings of Dare Not Walk Alone

This just in: Dare Not Walk Alone's award-winning director, Jeremy Dean, will be attending quesion and answer sessions following both screenings of the film in the Packard Lab on the campus of Lehigh University, Thursday afternoon (today: 6/21/07) at 5:05 and Friday afternoon, (tomorrow: 6/22/07) at 12:15. There is a map here.

Dean is a dynamic speaker who enjoys sharing insights and experiences acquired during the long and challenging experience of making Dare Not Walk Alone, a unique account of the civil rights struggle that was made on what he describes as "a less than shoestring budget."

See this previous posting for one teacher's reaction to the film.

And this collection of comments from educators.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Southside Film Festival Underway in Bethlehem, PA

Dare Not Walk Alone will be playing:

Thursday afternoon, 6/21, at 5:05 to 6:45 followed by Q&A
Friday afternoon, 6/22 at 12:15 to 2:00 followed by Q&A

Both screenings are in the Packard Lab on the campus of Lehigh University. There is a map here.

Please let your friends and family know!


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dare Not Walk Alone: An educator's take on "the most gritty" civil rights film

After a recent screening of Dare Not Walk Alone a high school teacher sent these comments to the film's director, Jeremy Dean:

"My students have awarded you their highest accolade--they found your piece to be interesting and more important, relevant to their own lives--they have told me that way too many documentaries are done in such a dry and droning fashion, and are so repetitive and so deeply anchored in the past, that kids today struggle to make any kind of personal connection with most historical documentaries. Your's was a delightful and wonderful exception to their common experience.

"You have created not only a beautifully filmed and edited piece of work, but what I believe is a very historically important film, to boot. You maintained such incredible objectivity throughout the piece--it was a very impressive accomplishment.

"Your willingness to spend time with my students and the audience after the film truly enhanced our experience. We held an intensive post-film processing session today, and they were unanimous--they want to see the film again.

"...just let me add, from my heart, that your film moved me in ways I hadn't expected. It is a truly incredible piece of work...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Educators Weigh in on Indie Civil Rights Documentary

"An important tool for showing the bravery of those who struggled for equality during the civil rights goes far beyond past history and exposes issues that we face everyday in the continued struggle for equality."
-- Arne Duncan, Chief Executive, Chicago Public Schools

"Excellent film. Real problems put on film which forces you to examine your community."
-- Mark Brandenburg, Rollins College

"Excellent! First time I’ve seen juxtaposition of civil rights progress with continuing oppression in same film. I’d like to show it in my US government class."
-- Patricia Nellis, Valencia Community College

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Breckenridge, Denver, Boulder: Come see the civil rights like they don't teach in school

The award winning civil rights documentary, Dare Not Walk Alone, will be screened on Friday, June 8. Venue: Breckenridge Christian Ministries , Time: 6:00 pm. Part of the Breckenridge Festival of Film. Click here for details.

Here is how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. set the scene in his autobiography: "St. Augustine's 3,700 Negro citizens waged a heroic campaign in the midst of savage violence and brutality condoned and committed by police. We faced some lawlessness and violence that we hadn't faced before, even in Birmingham. Night after night, Negroes marched by the hundreds amidst showers of bricks, bottles, and insults. Day by day, Negroes confronted restaurants, beaches, and the Slave Market where they spoke and sang of their determination to be free."