St Augustine residents did its local filmmaker proud by showing up in record numbers for this first local showing of DNWA. The seats for the 7:00PM show were filled by 6:30. In fact, so many people were being turned away for the first show, that the DNWA crew had to quickly scramble to put on an additional screening for 8:30PM. All in all, more than 1300 people attended.
The only thing missing were the media, especially the local media. This was very surprising when you consider that all the most disturbing events shown in the film took place less than two blocks away from the Flagler College Auditorium (where the film was shown). If anything, this could be a "Local Boy Does Good" type of story. Of course we didn't expect CNN to be there but it was surprising to find out that the TV stations and newspapers aren't interested in topical subjects. (And, yes, we did send out notices and invitations!)
I guess this proves the adage of television news: If it Bleeds, it Leads. We can only guess that DNWA doesn't have enough blood and guts and gore for the local media's interest.
Other good news, tho...
We have been accepted by the Independent Black Flim Festival in Atlanta, March 12-19. Their web site is:
More news as we get it. Thanks for all your support and we look forward to meeting you at the festivals!
---DNWA ---